Lady Zelda and the Statue

I am very late to post this week as I have been in the City of York where I got the inspiration for this week’s tall tale.


Lady Zelda and the Statue


100 words – photoprompt prefers to remain anonymous


The statue to your right was originally Sir Ronald Tytefeast. Note the scruffy boots on the plinth edge. The townsfolk resented Sir Ronald’s penchant for dressing as a Greek god while his wife, Lady Zelda, was left with tatty clothes and worn out footwear. But when Sir Ron died, local dignitaries insisted on a statue.

The following summer the newly stylish Zelda married a handsome American who became hugely popular with everyone, except the local dignitaries. When her second husband passed away, Zelda consulted with the people.  The stonemasons forthwith decapitated Sir Ron.

Thus we have the only statue in history wearing a toga and a ten-gallon hat.


52 thoughts on “Lady Zelda and the Statue

  1. Thank you, Varad. There is a statute in York which allegedly was a businessman very important to the city. He may not have been all he seemed and he went broke so legend has it his head was replaced by that of a more respectable and successful man who brought prosperity.


  2. What a lovely piece of local lore and what a mischievous meddling with mundane fact. There is, or was, a statue in Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras, purporting to be one of the various tyrants who ran the country on behalf of US fruit companies. In fact, since the state was short of cash, the statue is actually part of a job lot of the French Marshall Ney.

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