For the Man Who Has Everything


100 words for Friday Fictioneers
Photoprompt © J Hardy Carroll

Thirteen-year old Fauntleroy was allowed to skip day school and accompany his coiffured and perfumed Mama to purchase something for Papa’s fiftieth birthday. This could take time because Papa had everything. Their family was very rich.
The lad spotted something across the street, near Harrods. It was a metal contraption. Boot at one end. All alone.
Mama carefully explained the origins and purpose of a prosthetic limb.
“Great,” said Fauntleroy. “Let’s chop Papa’s leg off so he can have one of them things for his birthday!”
Mama urgently needed to speak to her son’s headmaster. Fauntleroy’s grammar was appalling.


70 thoughts on “For the Man Who Has Everything

      1. I have a friend who came to the UK from Spain because (mostly) it is cooler here and therefore much more bearable for people who have to do a day’s work in the height of summer.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I can totally understand. We are in the midst of a heat wave. They don’t usually last more than two weeks… we shall see, won’t we?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I wasn’t but I’m going to look that one up. I went to school in South Harrow so we heard some stuff about Churchill to the extent I did know he was a “different” type of boy. But my inspiration came from Lauren Bacall’s biography “By Myself” where she mentions that after Humphrey Bogart passed away her little boy calmly suggested the family shoot themselves so they could be with Daddy by Christmas. Terrifyingly sad and it stuck with me. I think it’s easy to underestimate what goes in in children’s minds and, being me, I have to turn to humour to straighten it out in my mind. (Maybe Fauntleroy was genuinely trying to help Mama 😉 ) Thanks so much for commenting, Penny.


  1. Dear Jilly,

    I apologize for being so slow getting around this week. We’ve had out of town guests since last week, a family reunion, a surprise birthday party, a memorial service and a military retirement party (tomorrow night).

    I’d say Fauntleroy needs more than a grammar lesson. Well done.



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    1. Plaridel, that is such a nice comment, showing compassion – I regret my characters often fail to show that excellent quality. You’re right, kids do step in with suggestions in their eagerness to help and to them it all seem perfectly logical. Best wishes, Jilly.

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  2. So funny. I think Mama might need to take both herself and Fanutleroy off to a psychiatrist too. Or am I the odd one for thinking Papa’s present a bit extreme?

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